OMG, You Did WHAT? Just Ask Sean Connery

As Ironman training intensifies, and my dog has decided his job is to wake me up every night (don’t ask), I’ve become increasing loopy. I don’t mean a little loopy, I mean scary loopy. Sleep deprivation can do some seriously gnarly things to your mind.

Just in case you need a good laugh, I thought I’d share the last few days with you. I’m still chuckling at my ridiculousness.

Last Thursday, after another sleepless night, I went to the pool to do my swim workout. I wanted to be sure to finish in time for a Pilates class afterward, so I quickly threw my stuff in a locker and jumped in the pool. Even though I’m starting to feel stronger in the water, I was completely whooped at the end.

I knew I’d cut it a little short, so I rushed to my usual locker area to change, only to discover my lock wouldn’t open. Argh. I tried it again. Still no luck. Then while a lady was yammering to me, I tried it again and again. Something obviously had broken on my lock.

Having no other choice, I traipsed to the front desk wrapped in my towel to ask if I could borrow lock cutters. They won’t let members cut off locks though, so they had to round a female director to go into the women’s locker room to do it for me. This entailed several loudspeaker announcements, all the while I’m standing dripping, feeling ridiculous–chitchatting with the young boys working at the desk.

“It’s so weird my lock just got funky after all these years. Guess things just wear out sometimes…yadda yadda.”

Eventually, an older woman who looked like a Sherman Tank marched out from her office holding lock cutters, which looked like giant pliers for dinosaur dentistry.


She looked a tad annoyed, but humored me. Then she grilled me…”Are you sure you haven’t forgotten the combination?”

“No, I’ve had this lock forever. I could recite the combo in my sleep.” Bubble out of head {that is if I ever got any damn sleep}.

“I’ll try it first before we cut it,” she ordered. I gave her the combo, then she said, “And you’re sure it’s yours, right?”

“Yes, of course. It’s red. Nobody else has red locks.”

“While I try the combination why don’t you look around the locker room just to double-check.”

“Good idea,” I said to humor her, even though I was getting irritated because I was late for my class. “I hope I’m wrong,” I mumbled, “I’d be thrilled.”

You know exactly where this is going, readers…

“DON’T CUT IT!” I yelled cross the locker room.

Yep, as I turned the corner, there gleaming in front of my eyes was another red lock.

You can imagine the smirk on Sherman Tank’s face. I thanked her profusely, then we had a good laugh before I took my red face to Pilates and slunk to the back row. All I could think about as I was doing my 100s and bridges is what the person with the other red lock would have said or done when she returned to her locker and found her lock cut off. OMG.

You think that was bad…here’s the topper…
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Run Be Run Facebook Page Launched

Hello fabulous fitness friends! Just wanted to let you know that I launched a new Run Be Run Facebook page. It’s simply meant to be a place where we can celebrate running and fitness, share our adventures and misadventures, and post photos, questions and any other tidbits that might be of interest to our little running community.

Run Be Run Facebook page

If you hit the Facebook LIKE button on the right side of this page it will take you there or you can copy and paste this URL into your browser:

I hope you’ll swing by and say hi.

Happy Running!
xo Becky

Free or Inexpensive Holiday Gift Ideas for Runners

Let’s face it, this time of year can get nutty (with a capital N) and expensive as we try to dazzle our friends and family with meaningful gifts, intent on showing them how much we care. You don’t have to break the bank though, to give the runner in your life a special gift (especially your BRF).

Here are 8 free or inexpensive gift ideas for runners.

1) Happiness Jar
This is one of my favorite gifts to give. Simply find a clear jar, bowl, vase or large cup and add a pen and a little pile of colorful blank cards. The idea is that every time something good or exciting happens in your life, you write it down on a card and put it in the Happiness Jar. It could simply be, “Dragged myself out the door and ran 3 miles today when my motivation was waning” or “Ran a PR!” or “Went for a wonderful run with ____.” As the year goes on the jar becomes more and more colorful, reminding you of just how lucky you are. Gratitude bubbles up every time you look at it. And here’s a bonus: the recipient will always think of you whenever she adds a happy note to the jar because you are the one who gave it to her.

2) Framed Running Picture
Frame a photo from her favorite race or run, or even a fun selfie you snapped together on a run. Capturing the spirit of her love of running will keep her going all year and celebrate your friendship and her fitness.

3) Custom Race Calendar 
Do your research and troll through the web for all the races in your area for the year. Hand-pick ones you know she’ll love. Even better, highlight ones you’d like to do together. Give it a spunky personalized title like, “Becky’s Badass Running Year Ahead” and print it out on pretty paper. Throw in a few of her favorite gels or chews and you’ll set a fun tone for the year ahead.

4) Mileage Jar
This is another visual celebration of fitness and running, and an especially exciting gift for runners who are just starting out or who need every type of motivation possible. Simply give her a pretty jar and a big bag of marbles. Every time she runs a mile, she gets to put a marble in the jar. This jar represents her fitness, determination, and progress. By the end of the year, it will be filled with hundreds of marbles. You could also substitute marbles for pennies or any other item that might match her personality.

5) A Handwritten Letter
This may sound a little sappy, but simply putting into words what your running partner means to you is one of the simplest and most meaningful gifts you can give. Be specific. Remember details about certain runs. Celebrate the qualities you appreciate most in her. Just like you leave it all out on the road or trail, leave it all out in this letter. Want to take it up a notch? This is an especially nice gift to give with a bottle of wine or a bag of her favorite coffee or tea. While she’s sipping away, she can linger over your sentiments.

6) Healthy recipes
This is great idea for those who could use a little inspiration in the meal planning department. Simply gather up your favorite healthy recipes, print them out on pretty card stock and tie them with a ribbon. From smoothies to entrees to healthy desserts, the possibilities are endless. Your creativity is what makes it so special and useful. Want to elevate it a little more? How about including a coupon for a healthy home-cooked meal delivered to her door? Or how about wrapping up some homemade granola or a healthy dessert?

7) Farmer’s Market Tokens
In our town we can purchase tokens from our Farmer’s Market, which can then be used like cash at our various weekly markets. It’s fun to give tokens in a little cinched bag with a ribbon. It’s also a perfect complement to the healthy recipe gift idea above.

8) Coupon Booklet…(the possibilities are endless)
• Babysitting when she’s in a bind and needs a last-minute babysitter so she can go for a run. We’ve all been there, right?
• Driving her to a race to be a support/logistics person (cowbells and signs included in package).
• A healthy meal delivered to her door (see above)
• Packet pick-up service for when life gets in the way of her being able to pick up her race bib
• Pushing her jogger on a day she’d love to use her arms and run freely (that’s if you don’t already have your own to push!)

In the event you’d still like a few traditional gift ideas, here are 50 gifts any Best Running Friend would appreciate–from stocking stuffers to big spender items:

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